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Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) Benefits and Side Effects

December 19, 2019

Benefits of Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Here are some of the effects of Equipoise:

Increased Protein synthesis

Much like any other testosterone-derived anabolic steroid, Equipoise greatly improves protein synthesis in the body. This allows the user to make clean and even gains especially when they control the amount of calories they consume. Remember what we mentioned about the increased appetite? While that might be individualistic (not everyone starts to hog on food while on Equipoise), it still deserves a mention. On a positive note, this makes it an excellent compound to add in a maintenance cycle as it will protect hard earned muscle tissue from being cannibalized by the body.

Strength gains

Equipoise provides excellent strength gains which are most beneficial during off-season when your body is struggling to keep up with the gains made during the peak season. This allows you to hit the weights hard without the use of additional compounds which once again results in muscle mass maintenance.

Better recovery

Equipoise boosts muscle and joint recovery allowing you to pump iron without your muscles getting sore or ligaments getting torn. In fact, that might be the only similarity that it shares with Deca Durabolin.

Lean muscle mass

Equipoise will help you make lean and dry muscle gains. It might not be a lot as compared to Mass Bombs like Dianabol and Anadrol. Nor will it be as fast as some of the other compounds. But you can be rest assured that the gains will be refined. Many users report the muscle fibers made while on Equipoise to be hard.

We sell Steroid powder and liquid, but we also provide SERM , AI , HCG, Sex Enhancement Powder and related chemical materials.
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Side Effects of Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Using Equipoise could potentially cause the following side effects to occur:


Even though Equipoise does not aromatise heavily, it is still a potential side effect that could result in gynecomastia occurring. Plus possible water retention and high blood pressure.

To combat this aromatisation it is recommended that you take a SERM alongside Equipoise, for example, Nolvadex or Arimidex.


As Equipoise is androgenic in nature, women who use this steroid may encounter symptoms of virilization. This can include the deepening of vocal cords and clitoral enlargement.

Other androgenic side effects of EQ include:

Male Pattern Baldness
Excessive Body Hair Growth
Low HDL (Good) Cholesterol

Equipoise has been shown to suppress HDL levels. However, this is not an extreme side effect and should be within tolerated levels for a healthy adult.

It is recommended that your diet includes cholesterol-friendly foods and plenty of omega fatty acids to combat these low HDL levels.

Natural Testosterone Suppression

Like all steroids, the use of Equipoise will suppress the natural production of testosterone within your body.

For this reason, Equipoise is often stacked with a Testosterone base. To ensure your testosterone levels remain high during your cycle.

Once your cycle comes to an end it is recommended that you undertake a PCT plan to ensure your natural testosterone production restarts. This may take a few months to get back to the levels before your cycle.

We sell Steroid powder and liquid, but we also provide SERM , AI , HCG, Sex Enhancement Powder and related chemical materials.
WhatsApp: +8615210857375
Email:[email protected]
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